John's Organ Works

MIDI Keyboard Stacks
Midified Pedalboards
Used Organ Benches
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Future of John's Organ Works May 28, 2024
John's Organ Works has been inactive for a while now due to a house move and surgery in 2023. I hope to restart the business in due course, but probab... [MORE]

New orders for keyboard stacks and pedalboards suspended. September 19, 2022
As all available order slots have now been filled, new orders for keyboard stacks and midified pedalboards are now suspended. There will be further ... [MORE]

Orders now being taken. September 17, 2022
New orders for MIDI keyboard stacks and Midified pedalboards are once more being accepted, but to avoid a long queue building up again, only a limit... [MORE]

New orders suspended December 22, 2021
Owing to a large backlog of work, I am not currently taking new orders for keyboard stacks or midified pedalboards. I hope to resume normal operatio... [MORE]

U-Series Keyboard Stacks to Use M-Audio Keystation 61 Mk III January 19, 2021
Since their debut in 2014, our U-series stacks have been built around the Behringer UMX610 keyboard. Sadly, this product was discontinued by Behring... [MORE]

End of relationship with DTS January 18, 2021
From the start of 2021, John's Organ Works will no longer be acting as retailer of DTS products for the UK and Europe. This decision is intended to ... [MORE]

The new MK III Keystation 61 keyboard March 13, 2019
M-Audio have recently released a new MK III version of their Keystation 61 MIDI controller keyboard. This keyboard has been the basis of our "K-seri... [MORE]

New Products from DTS March 18, 2017
DTS have recently announced two new additions to their range of MIDI encoders and decoders. The LPC-1 is a controller for up to 12 lighted pistons. ... [MORE]

New Range of Keyboard Stacks February 12, 2017
We are pleased to announce a new range of MIDI keyboard stacks based on the Behringer UMX610 controller keyboard. Known as the "U-series" ... [MORE]

DTS Board Price Increase September 12, 2016
As a result of the pound's recent fall against the dollar, it has become necessary to increase the price of the DTS MIDI encoder and decoder boards,... [MORE]

Channel setting pistons no longer fitted as standard May 02, 2016
When using keyboard stacks or pedalboards with Hauptwerk, there is no need to set the MIDI channel as all devices can output on default ch... [MORE]

Keyboard Stack Price Increase February 13, 2016
After almost three years unaltered, it has become necessary to increase the price of keyboard stacks. The new prices now being shown apply to new or... [MORE]

User Guide for Keyboard Stacks September 05, 2015
An updated User Guide for MIDI keyboard stacks (all models) is now available in the Downloads section of the website. ... [MORE]

Design Tech Products September 05, 2015
The range of high quality MIDI encoders and decoders from Design Tech Inc continues to expand. Recent additions include the DC-96, a larger decoder ... [MORE]

New Products from DesignTech April 03, 2015
Two new MIDI encoder boards are now being stocked in the UK by John's Organ Works. Both are based on the easy-to-use MIPC-1A, but offering reduced f... [MORE]

Warrington Cavaille-Coll: Article and Recital October 05, 2014
The future of the historic Cavaille-Coll organ in Warrington's Parr Hall is the subject of a short article in the current edition of Cheshire Life. ... [MORE]

"Economy" keyboard stacks discontinued October 04, 2014
"Economy" option stacks (those made using second hand keyboards) have now been discontinued, as the vast majority of customers to date have opted fo... [MORE]

Warrington Cavaille-Coll Recital in March January 26, 2014
An important date for your new 2014 diary. On Wednesday 12th March at 7-45pm Professor Ian Tracey will be giving a recital on the historic Cavaille-... [MORE]

New MIPC-1A card for higher input voltage November 01, 2013
A new version of the MIPC-1A input card, called the MIPC-1A-HV, is now available. The HV stands High Voltage. Input voltage to the 64 inputs can r... [MORE]

MIDI Encoders and Decoders September 18, 2013
Please check out the recent updates to the website giving full details of the range of MIDI encoders and decoders now available, plus links to artic... [MORE]

One Keyboard MIDI "Stack" now available September 17, 2013
Never mind the semantics! If you'd like a one-keyboard "stack", you can now have one. Visit this page for full details (and possible uses). ... [MORE]

New User Guide for midified pedalboards. September 08, 2013
A new user guide for our midified pedalboards is now available in the Downloads section. An updated user guide for midi keyboard stacks will follow ... [MORE]

MIDI Encoder Boards May 31, 2013
For those who want to do their own organ midifications, John's Organ Works is now the British and European agent for Flighttech's range of MIDI enco... [MORE]

More pistons May 02, 2013
The default number of pistons on 2- and 3-keyboard stacks and the 4-keyboard base unit has been increased from seven to eight (per keyboard). These ... [MORE]

Two-keyboard Stack Design Change October 25, 2012
The upper keyboard of the Two Keyboard Stack (previously untilted) is now tilted forwards by 2.5 degrees, for easier playing. This also means that w... [MORE]

Four-keyboard stack announced January 25, 2012
We are pleased to announce that a 4-keyboard MIDI stack is available as of today.  Similar in design to the 2-and 3-keyboard stacks, it in... [MORE]

You CAN use the pistons with Miditzer January 25, 2012
Although the pistons of our keyboard stacks are not directly compatible with Miditzer, they can be made to work fairly easily using the free MIDI ut... [MORE]

Roland Fantom and TOIAB now supported November 21, 2011
A new model of 3-keyboard stack is now available, designed to be compatible with the Roland Fantom, and the popular "Theatre Organ in a  B... [MORE]

New approach for attaching expression and crescendo pedals June 27, 2011
From now on, all 2- and 3-keyboard stacks will use a simpler and more flexible method for attaching expression and crescendo pedals. Previously, ei... [MORE]

Hauptwerk Version 4 Released May 15, 2011
Version 4 of Hauptwerk was released on 17th April, 2011, bringing with it a host of improvements and new features. The new "MIDI learn" facility mak... [MORE]

As of today, John's Organ Works has its own website at  The "Create" website development system has proved to b... [MORE]