Would you like to enjoy a wonderful organ playing experience for a very modest cost? Thanks to recent dramatic increases in computer power, and today's amazing Virtual Pipe Organ software (eg Hauptwerk or GrandOrgue), you can now use your own personal computer to host a state-of-the-art digital organ, featuring individually sampled pipe sounds for maximum realism. However, this only becomes a serious musical instrument when you connect keyboards and pedals to your computer, so that the organ can be properly played - and that's where John's Organ Works comes in! |  |
 | Here you will find MIDI keyboard stacks (1 to 4 manuals), midified pedalboards and other items at very reasonable prices. A digital classical or theatre organ has never been more affordable! Ideal for the home organ enthusiast, churches and clubs, the church organist looking for a home practice instrument, as well as new players, young or old, who are learning to play the organ . |
What you will find here ...
Products/items for sale....MIDI keyboard stacks, Midified pedalboards, Used organ benches
Selling Policy... How to order, how to pay, how the guarantee works.
The Virtual Pipe Organ explained...For those who aren't familiar with the concept of the VPO, here is a brief explanation, set in the context of the wider history of the organ, together with some hints and advice about setting up your own.
Glossary of organ-related terms ... Don't get put off by the jargon - find out what it means here!
John's Blog .... Random ramblings on organ-related matters and other subjects;